Cyber Essentials Certification with Secure Schools

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Achieve Cyber Essentials certification with the UK’s leading Cyber Essentials provider for education

Certify to Cyber Essentials with Secure Schools, the education cybersecurity experts. Secure Schools will guide you through the Cyber Essentials process, ensuring that your school or trust mitigates key cybersecurity risks whilst building a sustainable compliance programme and achieving accreditation.


What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials is a simple and cost-effective cybersecurity standard developed collaboratively between the UK government and industry. Cyber Essentials is gaining popularity in schools and can help to demonstrate that your school or trust has met many of the expectations and requirements set by its stakeholders. 

Renewed annually, a commitment to holding Cyber Essentials can help your school or academy trust continuously adapt its defences against the latest cybersecurity threats.

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    Free cyber Insurance cover (up to £25,000 worth of liability)

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    Demonstrate your school or trust’s commitment to cyber security

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    Future-proof your ESFA funding eligibility

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    Demonstrate your school or trust meets basic cybersecurity requirements

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    Meet ESFA requirements, some ESFA funding agreements require Cyber Essentials

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    Evidence your school or trust’s improvement with an independently verified assessment

Get in touch to get started

Contact us
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